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From Mountain to Valley to Sea


Welcome! The novelist Joseph Conrad once wrote, “My task which I am trying to achieve make you hear, to make you feel — it is, before all, to make you see. That — and no more, and it is everything.”

My art and photography is offered in the hope of sharing what I've experienced, that you might also partake in a moment's meditation upon something at once keenly felt, and captured. From mountains to valleys to the ocean's shore – beyond all, to see. Enjoy!



Trusted Art Seller

Trusted Art Seller

The presence of this badge signifies that this business has officially registered with the Art Storefronts Organization and has an established track record of selling art.

It also means that buyers can trust that they are buying from a legitimate business. Art sellers that conduct fraudulent activity or that receive numerous complaints from buyers will have this badge revoked. If you would like to file a complaint about this seller, please do so here.

Verified Returns & Exchanges

Verified Returns & Exchanges

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this business has provided a returns & exchanges policy for all art purchases.

Description of Policy from Merchant:

Please see a full description of how we handle returns and exchanges via Bay Photo on our FAQ page (link at the top of this page, or go to:

Verified Secure Website with Safe Checkout

Verified Secure Website with Safe Checkout

This website provides a secure checkout with SSL encryption.

Verified Archival Materials Used

Verified Archival Materials Used

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this Art Seller has published information about the archival materials used to create their products in an effort to provide transparency to buyers.

Description from Merchant:

The materials, inks, paper, canvas, and anything else used to create your artwork or prints are archival quality. This is a non-technical term that suggests that a material or product is permanent, durable, or chemically stable, and that it can therefore safely be used for preservation purposes. The phrase is not quantifiable; no standards exist that describe how long an “archival” or “archivally sound” material will last. In addition, Bay Photo Lab is a Green Certified Business — they received the Green Business Certification Award "For Exceeding Environmental Regulatory Requirements, Preventing Pollution, and Conserving Natural Resources!" When you send your orders to Bay Photo Lab, you'll not only feel good about getting the best prints and photo products available, you'll also be making a great choice for our environment!


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